Norway's ULVER Covers PRINCE; Audio Available

June 16, 2008

Norway's ULVER has posted a cover version of PRINCE's "Thieves in the Temple" on its official MySpace page. "Thieves in the Temple" was originally released on PRINCE's 1990 "Graffiti Bridge" album, with the song hitting No. 6 on the U.S. single chart.

For the cover, ULVER collaborated with female soul singer and WYCLEF JEAN protge Siri Stranger. The boys downplay their own participation and relation to Prince with the following statement: "Prince is not our familiar, but we appreciate his spirituality and sensibility, manifest in this song. We are thieves in his temple."

Their song is part of a massive 81-track, five-CD tribute titled "Shockadelica: 50th Anniversary Tribute To The Artist Known As Prince" (C+C Records).

Info on the label website about the release reads as follows: "An overwhelming compilation by the finest Norwegian artists doing their all-time favourite Prince songs. 'Shockadelica' is a genre-breaking compilation where all musical categories are represented. We have gathered Norways finest jazz musicians, heavy metalists, pop, electro, rock, country, blues, gospel choirs, Norway's most famous boy choir, avantgarde, soul, funk, jazz-rock, noise, humourists, singer/songwriters, hiphop-producers, Prince cover bands and dance artists. Even the national symphony orchestra Kork is represented. This is more than just a Prince tribute album. This is actually EVERYTHING the Norwegian musical scene has to offer 2008. All is made with love to the world's greatest artist ever, Prince. The five-CD compilation is one-time offer, 5,000 copies limited edition only."

For the full track listing and artists involved, go to this location.

ULVER released "Shadows of the Sun" in October 2007 via The End Records.

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